An adorable Yoga Dog Shirt perfect for that yoga session… or any kind of session.
The practice of yoga has been passed on for many years because of its holistic benefits. Most folks do it at home these days, and like this Yoga Dog, puppers just love getting in on the action. But did you know that your dog can also experience some health benefits of yoga through what’s called doga? Yes, dog + yoga = doga.
Aussie’s are lucky to have doga studios found in places like Sydney and Melbourne. But whether or not you’re sold on doing doga, you can’t deny that this Yoga Dog Blue Mat T-Shirt is the cutest addition to any wardrobe.
To delight you even more, you can have the Yoga Dog Blue Mat with you in varied shape and form, from Sleeveless Tops to A-Line Dresses and Glossy Stickers to Laptop Skins. What a time to be alive for dog lovers!